Microscopes by Brand
See our microscope brands

M100FLED Student Microscope

M100FBM Junior Student Microscope

MXFMS Metalurgical Incident light Microscope

BH200M – Incident Light Microscope

Nexcope NE900 Clinical Microscope

EX30 Biological Microscope

E5 Biological Microscope

E3 Senior Student Microscope

BH200P – Asbestos Identification

Nexcope NE620 Biological Microscope

CX40M Metallurgical Microscope

CX40P Polarised Light Microscope
Prism Optical Pro Microscopes

ICX41 Inverted Biological Microscope

NIB900 Scientific Research Inverted Microscope



EX33 Series Biological Microscope

Portable measuring microscopes

Prism Optical Pro CX40

Nexcope NE900-DFO series

CX40-DFO Clinical Microscope with Oil Dark Field

RX50 Upright microscope with DIC and Fluorescence