BH200P – Asbestos Identification

Affordable PLM for Asbestos Identification.

The Prism Optical BH200P is the polarised light microscope variant of the BH200 family. It is ideal for medium duty lab usage, and can be used in field.

The standard configuration includes:

  • 10×/20mm eyepieces, one with graticule
  • 4×, 10×, and 40× plan destressed objectives
  • Optional: 10× objective with central stop (McCrone style)
  • Trinocular viewing head
  • 6v 30w halogen transmitted light
  • coaxial focus control
  • high quality, 160mm diameter locking rotary stage
  • destressed koehler condenser NA1.25
  • intermediate tube with built in analyser and bertrand lens
  • polariser with 0, 90, 180, 270 graduations
  • analyser with 2° increments
  • Gypsum, mica, quartz wedge compensators
  • slide micrometer

Common Use Cases

This model is commonly used for mineral identification, and is popular with asbestos fibre identification analysts.


  • High sensitivity, mid range cameras like the Michrome 6 are well suited for the lower light levels, and high contrast requirements of polarised light microscopy
  • A c-mount adaptor is required to match the camera’s sensor size
  • optional plan eyepieces: 10×/18mm, 10×/18mm with pointer, 10×/18mm with graticule, 10×/16mm, 15×/13mm, 16×/14mm, 20×/10mm
  • optional plan destressed objectives: 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×, 60×
  • optional achromat objectives: 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×, 60×
  • optional: 10× with central stop (McCrone style)

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