Nexcope NE900-DFO series

The Nexcope NE900 series is our highest quality upright research microscope. It includes the advanced features expected from a professional research microscope, but at a significantly lower cost that the name-brand competition.

Built to our specification for applications where image quality and comfort over extended periods are key priorities, this is an un-compromised instrument.

  • Ergonomic tilting head

    The tilting head allows comfortable use by operators of all heights, whether they are sitting or standing. Also great where multiple people are using the same instrument.

  • Bright, flat, and wide images

    The excellent NIS60 plan achromat infinity objectives provide the best possible image quality. The 10⨉ FN25 eyepieces are super wide and clear. Available with a 100⨉ oil immersion objective with iris.

  • Auto-Illumination Control

    The NE900 series is available with clever illumination control that automatically adjusts brightness when the objective is changed. Operator presence detection also switches the illumination off when no-one is using it.

System prices and options

  • Recommended Configuration

    Total system price

    • NE910 Series Microscope,
    • Ergonomic tilting head,
    • 100W halogen illumination (or 3W S-LED),
    • Oil dark field condenser,
    • 100⨉ NIS60 plan achromat infinity oil immersion objective with iris,
    • Michrome 12 (USB3 12MP camera) with properly matched c-mount adapter,
    • 3 year microscope warranty,
    • 2 year camera warranty.



  • Options and upgrades

    Enhance your microscope

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