RGM-181 Gemmological Refractometer
Gemmological Refractometers are used to measure the Refractive Index of gemstones, as well as the index double Refraction. Through the parameter you can judge whether a gem is uniaxial or biaxial photo-positive or photo-negative.
RGM-181 : Gemmological Refractometer 1.30 to 1.81 RI ± 0.01
Scale division 0.01 (LED illumination built in 589nm)
CZ hard glass prism reduces scratching
Polariser and R.I. oil included
Good quality metal case and swing top
Brochure for RGM-181:RGM 181 sios.pdf
RGM-RIoil: Index oil RI 1.79 3ml(10g) bottle