Scientific Instruments
CBK Bench Scales
Dune™ Compact Balances
GFC Floor Counting Scales
Highland™ Portable Precision Balances
LBK Weighing Scales
PMB Moisture Analyser
The PW Analytical and PGW Precision Balances
PW Analytical Balances
The Ohaus Adventurer
Scout® Pro Portable Balances
Voyager® Pro Electronic
Alcohol / Wine Refractometers
Clinical Refractometers
Honey RHBN-90ATC Hand Refractometer
Refractometers for Fruit & Berry Growers
Refractometers for the Automotive Industry
Refractometers for Cutting Oils
Salinity Refractometers
Abbe Refractometer Model 2WAJ
WY1A Abbe Refractometer with illuminated scale
G-HS (Chinese) Hand Spectroscope
SH (Japan) Hand Spectroscope
G-CF Chelsea Filter
G-RF Ruby Filter
G-D Dichroscope
Bench Polariscopes
G-HHPol Hand Held Polariscope

RGM-181 Gemmological Refractometer
Hand Loupes